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Yannic Walther Earns Victory for Reds in No-Hitter Against Main-Taunus Redwings
Yannic was brilliant on the hill on Saturday, as he threw a no-hitter to lead Reds past Main-Taunus Redwings 15-0. Yannic took the win for Reds, allowing 0 hits and 0 runs over 4 innings, and striking out 8.
The Reds opened up scoring early in the first inning, when Moritz Van Bergen doubled on a 0-1 count, scoring Oscar Hundt on the play. Philip Jäger and Connor Huffman were both driven in on a double to left by Konti Klein. The Reds tallied 7 runs in the fourth inning, highlighted by Moritz vB’s inside the park homerun and a 2-run triple by Felipe Homberg. Marcus Laine crossed the plate providing the last run of the game before it was called at the time limit.
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Das Turnier um den Deutschen Meisterschaftstitel für die Stuttgart Reds Junioren kann am besten als Achterbahnfahrt beschrieben werden. Die Fahrt endete mit dem 5. Platz, mit Hochs und Tiefs auf dem Weg dorthin, die sowohl spannend als auch enttäuschend waren, jedoch auch ermutigend.
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